Siriusly, Batman
On the radio this morning, they said that these days are called the dog days of summer because people used to blame the heat on the dog-star, Sirius. I don't know how that started, but I guess it makes sense – I mean, if, for instance, there existed a fictional character by the name of Sirius, I'm sure I could think up a few things here and there that I could blame him for that happen in his fictional world. I'm just sayin'. I'm sure if said character existed then he would be extremely awesome. Also, extremely flawed. So like I said: awesome.
Despite what my blog decor might tell you, I am currently attempting to avoid The Dark Knight and all news about it. I think I've got enough info on it all by now, you know? And I don't want to feel too oversaturated and too overhyped about it all by the time July 18th rolls around, a date that is suddenly much closer than it has ever seemed. And yeah, it might be too late to undo my over-anticipation at this point, but it won't hurt to try... It's hard though. This movie is literally everywhere. And for an intangible product, it is hard to be everywhere literally, y'know?
Labels: batman, harry potter, movies